Zero Bone Loss Concepts, Immediate implants
Rationale for immediate implant placement I. Why should we do immediate implants? (1:38:37)
Rationale for immediate implant placement I. Why immediate implants are still considered risky? (1:17:02)
Why are immediate implants successful? I. Osseointegration, profile and peri-implant tissues (1:30:50)
Why are immediate implants successful? II. Primary stability and crestal bone levels (1:31:55)
Immediate implant placement in molar region I. Implant depth, stability, bone grafting, healing abutments and soft tissue grafting (1:14:00)
Immediate implant placement in molar region II. Type A, B and C (1:01:09)
Immediate premolars (0:29:11)
Prosthetic secrets of immediate restorations (1:51:27)
Complications, which could be avoided (1:00:14)
Immediate implant in anterior zone. Live surgery ( 47:30)
Immediate molar placement Type A. Live surgery (35:52)
Immediate molar placement Type B. Live surgery (37:11)
Full arch All-on-5 implant placement. Live surgery (50:28)
1. Lesson 1. Rationale for immediate implant placement I. Why should we do immediate implants?
2. Lesson 2. Rationale for immediate implant placement I. Why immediate implants are still considered risky?
3. Lesson 3. Why are immediate implants successful? I. Osseointegration, contour and peri-implant tissues
4. Lesson 4. Why are immediate implants successful? II. Primary stability and crestal bone levels
5. Lesson 5. Immediate implant placement in molar region I. Implant depth, stability, bone grafting, healing abutments and soft tissue grafting
6. Lesson 6. Immediate implant placement in molar region II. Type A, B and C
7. Lesson 7. Immediate premolars
8. Lesson 8. Restorative secrets of immediate implants
9. Lesson 9. Complications, which could be avoided
10. Lesson 10. Immediate implant placement in anterior zone (Live surgery)
11. Lesson 11. Immediate molar placement Type A. Live surgery
12. 12. Immediate molar placement Type B. Live surgery
13. 13. Full arch All-on-5 implant placement. Live surgery
1. Maintaining of pre-extraction soft tissue architecture
2. Tooth-like soft tissue profile
3. Less functional problems in posterior implants
4. More aesthetic result in anterior region
5. Faster treatment for patients and dentist
All this much more or sometimes even impossible to achieve with delayed implants.
duration: 1:38:37
1. Thinking, that immediate implants are "new" treatment
2. Infamous past reputation
3. Strong educational attitude against immediate
4. Immediate implants done not properly
I overcome these obstacles with clear explanations!
duration: 1:17:02
1. How do immediate implants integrate?
2. How is the profile tooth maintained?
3. How are peri-implant soft tissues developed after immediate implant placement?
4. How do get Zero bone loss status in immediate implants?
5. How is primary implant stability achieved?
3 hours in total of knowledge! Without it - no control of immediate implant treatment.
duration: 1:30:50
duration: 1:31:55
duration: 1:14:00
duration: 1:01:09
1. Apical stabilisation
2. Mesio-distal stabilisation
3. Both
duration: 0:29:11
1. Protection channel of the implant
2. Special impression mode for immediates
3. The only material, which can be used for immediate implant restoration
Much more of course...
duration: 1:51:27
1. No primary stability
2. Poor selection of the case
3. Not good 3D position
4. Poor implant design
5. Poor prosthetic treatment
6. Implant loss
duration: 1:00:14
duration: 47:30
duration: 35:52
duration: 37:11
duration: 50:28
Prof. Tomas LinkeviciusVisiting Professor in Ghent University, Belgium
Professor in Vilnius University, Lithuania
Prosthodontist, implant specialist in private practise “Vilnius Implantology Center”, Lithuania
Director in private research center “Vilnius Research Group”, Lithuania