Technological Updates in Wisdom Teeth Surgery
Dr. Jason Motta Jones, Dr. Tommaso Ghedini, Dr. Federico Guerri
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Course program
Technological Updates in Wisdom Teeth Surgery
12 online lessons
Simplify your clinical routine, shorten treatment time, and minimize complications through a tech and computer-guided approach.
Who the course is for:
Since wisdom teeth extraction is a routine procedure, this course is recommended to all dentists who are looking for a comprehensive update on the latest techniques and protocols for wisdom teeth surgery.
Drs. Jason Motta Jones, Tommaso Ghedini and Federico Guerri welcome you to Technological Updates in Wisdom Teeth Surgery, the osteocom course dedicated to the latest technologies and innovations for wisdom teeth extraction.
The specialists provide you with a comprehensive update on the newest digital extraction planning protocols - including a tutorial on the 3D Slicer software for the construction of 3D models of anatomical structures - and present innovative techniques and tools that are set to revolutionize wisdom teeth surgery, including piezoelectric instruments that facilitate tooth luxation, sectioning, segmentation, and expansion.
By attending this course, you will acquire the skills necessary to confidently handle even the most complex cases of wisdom teeth extraction and gain a new, cutting-edge perspective on this subject.
Join Dr. Motta Jones and find out how to make your wisdom teeth surgery easier, less invasive and less painful for your patients.
Topics covered in the course:
The latest technologies, techniques, and digital tools for wisdom teeth extraction;
Technological-based diagnostic procedures;
Piezoelectric devices: use and benefits;
Mixed approach: manual and piezoelectric flap elevators;
Complex cases management;
How to minimize complications?
3D Slicer software tutorial.
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
Easily visualize the position of teeth and nerves thanks to virtual rendering;
Obtain a 3D model from a CBCT;
Properly perform osteotomy and odontotomy;
Approach surgical practice with greater confidence and competence;
Acquire practical skills, such as the use of piezoelectric devices, magneto-dynamic instruments, and digital tools for both planning and execution;
Avoid the most common complications following wisdom teeth surgery.
12 online lessons
Simplify your clinical routine, shorten treatment time, and minimize complications through a tech and computer-guided approach.
Who the course is for:
Since wisdom teeth extraction is a routine procedure, this course is recommended to all dentists who are looking for a comprehensive update on the latest techniques and protocols for wisdom teeth surgery.
Drs. Jason Motta Jones, Tommaso Ghedini and Federico Guerri welcome you to Technological Updates in Wisdom Teeth Surgery, the osteocom course dedicated to the latest technologies and innovations for wisdom teeth extraction.
The specialists provide you with a comprehensive update on the newest digital extraction planning protocols - including a tutorial on the 3D Slicer software for the construction of 3D models of anatomical structures - and present innovative techniques and tools that are set to revolutionize wisdom teeth surgery, including piezoelectric instruments that facilitate tooth luxation, sectioning, segmentation, and expansion.
By attending this course, you will acquire the skills necessary to confidently handle even the most complex cases of wisdom teeth extraction and gain a new, cutting-edge perspective on this subject.
Join Dr. Motta Jones and find out how to make your wisdom teeth surgery easier, less invasive and less painful for your patients.
Topics covered in the course:
The latest technologies, techniques, and digital tools for wisdom teeth extraction;
Technological-based diagnostic procedures;
Piezoelectric devices: use and benefits;
Mixed approach: manual and piezoelectric flap elevators;
Complex cases management;
How to minimize complications?
3D Slicer software tutorial.
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
Easily visualize the position of teeth and nerves thanks to virtual rendering;
Obtain a 3D model from a CBCT;
Properly perform osteotomy and odontotomy;
Approach surgical practice with greater confidence and competence;
Acquire practical skills, such as the use of piezoelectric devices, magneto-dynamic instruments, and digital tools for both planning and execution;
Avoid the most common complications following wisdom teeth surgery.
1. Lecture 1 - Technological updates in wisdom teeth surgery27 min
2. Lecture 2 - Ostectomy and Odontotomy: how piezoelectric devices can help us?1 h
3. Lecture 3 - 3D model construction: step by step segmentation technique to enhance diagnostic process 3DSlicer Freeware23 min
4. Lecture 4 – Technological updates50 min
5. Lecture 5 - A mixed approach: traditional and piezoelectric extraction protocol22 min
6. Lecture 6 - Extraction of a partially erupted 3.8 wisdom tooth16 min
7. Lecture 7 - A 4.8 erupted wisdom tooth extraction6 min
8. Lecture 8 - A 3.8 biradicular erupted wisdom tooth extraction9 min
9. Lecture 9 - Tooth sectioning and bone16 min
10. Lecture 10 - Bone gathering and tooth sectioning of a 4.8 wisdom tooth19 min
11. Lecture 11 - 4.8 wisdom tooth extraction with partial tooth sectioning15 min
12. Lecture 12 - A 3.8 partially erupted wisdom tooth extraction25 min
You can buy the entire course now at the new price - $19, instead of the old one - $350
Lecture 1 - Technological updates in wisdom teeth surgery
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
by Dr. Jason Motta Jones
According to Dr. Jason Motta Jones, patients want a minimally invasive, fast and harmless surgery that also requires low morbidity; for this reason a standardize, innovative and computer-guided protocol will be presented and discussed in a step-by-step way. Participants will have the opportunity to discover the gold standard for a proper diagnosis also analysing the rationale behind the decision between performing or not an OPT or a CBCT scan. In the final part of the lecture, antibiotics prescription protocols will be deeply discussed, paying specific attention to the presence or the absence of inflammations and immunological deficiencies.
In particular, this lecture focuses on the following topics:
• The diagnostic gold standard
• When is a CBCT required?
• Digital approach advantages: virtual rendering and 3D model construction
• Should we give our patients antibiotics?
• Manual flap elevators VS piezoelectric flap elevators
Duration: 27 min
According to Dr. Jason Motta Jones, patients want a minimally invasive, fast and harmless surgery that also requires low morbidity; for this reason a standardize, innovative and computer-guided protocol will be presented and discussed in a step-by-step way. Participants will have the opportunity to discover the gold standard for a proper diagnosis also analysing the rationale behind the decision between performing or not an OPT or a CBCT scan. In the final part of the lecture, antibiotics prescription protocols will be deeply discussed, paying specific attention to the presence or the absence of inflammations and immunological deficiencies.
In particular, this lecture focuses on the following topics:
• The diagnostic gold standard
• When is a CBCT required?
• Digital approach advantages: virtual rendering and 3D model construction
• Should we give our patients antibiotics?
• Manual flap elevators VS piezoelectric flap elevators
Duration: 27 min
Lecture 2 - Ostectomy and Odontotomy: how piezoelectric devices can help us?
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
by Dr. Jason Motta Jones
In this video lesson, two fundamental steps in the wisdom teeth extraction process will be analysed: ostectomy and odontotomy. In particular, the focus of the lecture will be on the advantages of using piezoelectric devices. With regard to the ostectomy phase, these devices will allow selective and micrometric cuts as well as cavitation effects. On the other hand, concerning the odontotomy phase, piezoelectric instruments allow perfect root extractions (even fractured ones), dislocations, flap elevations and detachments of the periosteum. At the end of the lecture, participants will have the opportunity to observe Dr. Motta Jones perform a perfect extraction on a pig jaw using a piezoelectric device.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• How we can use piezoelectric instruments for bone gathering, bone cutting and bone sectioning
• Magnetodynamic technology features
• The utility of the electric mallet for tooth extraction and for the evaluation of the fresh socket walls’ integrity
• Luxation technique with a piezoelectric device
• Understand the functioning of piezoelectric devices through the vision of clinical videos on a pig jaw
Duration: 1 h
In this video lesson, two fundamental steps in the wisdom teeth extraction process will be analysed: ostectomy and odontotomy. In particular, the focus of the lecture will be on the advantages of using piezoelectric devices. With regard to the ostectomy phase, these devices will allow selective and micrometric cuts as well as cavitation effects. On the other hand, concerning the odontotomy phase, piezoelectric instruments allow perfect root extractions (even fractured ones), dislocations, flap elevations and detachments of the periosteum. At the end of the lecture, participants will have the opportunity to observe Dr. Motta Jones perform a perfect extraction on a pig jaw using a piezoelectric device.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• How we can use piezoelectric instruments for bone gathering, bone cutting and bone sectioning
• Magnetodynamic technology features
• The utility of the electric mallet for tooth extraction and for the evaluation of the fresh socket walls’ integrity
• Luxation technique with a piezoelectric device
• Understand the functioning of piezoelectric devices through the vision of clinical videos on a pig jaw
Duration: 1 h
Lecture 3 - 3D model construction: step by step segmentation technique to enhance diagnostic process 3DSlicer Freeware
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
by Dr. Federico Guerri
Why should a dentist want to obtain a 3D reconstruction of the patient’s anatomical structure? In this video lecture, Dr. Guerri will explain that the 3D model is fundamental in those clinical cases in which the wisdom teeth has a complex anatomy and an intimate contact with the nerve. Participants will understand that by creating the 3D model, the surgeon has the possibility to identify the risks of the surgery, with particular reference to nerve damages.
In particular, this lecture focuses on the following topics:
• 3D Slicer Software tutorial
• Tools and potentiality of the Software: CBCT, nerves and teeth segmentation
• How to clearly highlight the path of the nerve
• Multidisciplinary approach and auto-transplantation
Duration: 23 min
Why should a dentist want to obtain a 3D reconstruction of the patient’s anatomical structure? In this video lecture, Dr. Guerri will explain that the 3D model is fundamental in those clinical cases in which the wisdom teeth has a complex anatomy and an intimate contact with the nerve. Participants will understand that by creating the 3D model, the surgeon has the possibility to identify the risks of the surgery, with particular reference to nerve damages.
In particular, this lecture focuses on the following topics:
• 3D Slicer Software tutorial
• Tools and potentiality of the Software: CBCT, nerves and teeth segmentation
• How to clearly highlight the path of the nerve
• Multidisciplinary approach and auto-transplantation
Duration: 23 min
Lecture 4 – Technological updates
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
by Dr. Tommaso Ghedini
A correct diagnosis is the core of wisdom teeth treatments so, in this video lecture, Dr. Ghedini will show and discuss the latest digital tools that can help specialists during the diagnostic phase but also during the treatment itself. Participants will discover how to prevent complications thanks to the use of a guide to section the tooth.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• What can we do to reduce complications?
• Tooth decay, pericorontitis, root resorption, periodontitis, infections and orthodontic problems preliminary evaluation
• How to reduce the treatment time thanks to the guided approach
Duration: 50 min
A correct diagnosis is the core of wisdom teeth treatments so, in this video lecture, Dr. Ghedini will show and discuss the latest digital tools that can help specialists during the diagnostic phase but also during the treatment itself. Participants will discover how to prevent complications thanks to the use of a guide to section the tooth.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• What can we do to reduce complications?
• Tooth decay, pericorontitis, root resorption, periodontitis, infections and orthodontic problems preliminary evaluation
• How to reduce the treatment time thanks to the guided approach
Duration: 50 min
Lecture 5 - A mixed approach: traditional and piezoelectric extraction protocol
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
This clinical video is useful to understand how one can begin to adopt an approach based on piezoelectric instruments for those who have always been used to adopting a traditional manual approach. In fact, Dr. Motta Jones will adopt a mixed technique: manual and piezoelectric instruments to create a flap, gather and cut the bone and check the tooth’s mobility.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• Full block and local anesthetic protocol
• Intrasucular flap design with a distal release incision
• How much bone have we to gather?
• Checking the integrity of the root and cleaning of the cavity
Duration: 22 min
This clinical video is useful to understand how one can begin to adopt an approach based on piezoelectric instruments for those who have always been used to adopting a traditional manual approach. In fact, Dr. Motta Jones will adopt a mixed technique: manual and piezoelectric instruments to create a flap, gather and cut the bone and check the tooth’s mobility.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• Full block and local anesthetic protocol
• Intrasucular flap design with a distal release incision
• How much bone have we to gather?
• Checking the integrity of the root and cleaning of the cavity
Duration: 22 min
Lecture 6 - Extraction of a partially erupted 3.8 wisdom tooth
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
In this clinical case, participants will see how to extract a partially erupted biradicular 3.8 wisdom tooth. At the beginning of the case, the clinician thought about the possibility of sectioning the tooth in two parts but once opened the flap and checked its mobility, this solution has been considered unnecessary.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• Anesthetic fluid administration
• Intrasucular incision and distal releasing incision
• How to correctly use the extractive insert of our magneto-dynamic device
• The removal of follicular tissues around the tooth
• How to enhance a better periodontal healing of the soft tissues
Duration: 16 min
In this clinical case, participants will see how to extract a partially erupted biradicular 3.8 wisdom tooth. At the beginning of the case, the clinician thought about the possibility of sectioning the tooth in two parts but once opened the flap and checked its mobility, this solution has been considered unnecessary.
In particular, this lesson focuses on the following topics:
• Anesthetic fluid administration
• Intrasucular incision and distal releasing incision
• How to correctly use the extractive insert of our magneto-dynamic device
• The removal of follicular tissues around the tooth
• How to enhance a better periodontal healing of the soft tissues
Duration: 16 min
Lecture 7 - A 4.8 erupted wisdom tooth extraction
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
In this brief clinical video, Dr. Motta Jones will follow the standard protocol to perform an extraction of a 4.8 wisdom tooth that has completely erupted. After performing local anesthesia, he will design and elevate the flap in order to avoid papilla lesions and create the proper space for the magneto-dynamic insert. Then, participants will appreciate the expansion of the cortical bone to enhance the mobility of the element.
Duration: 6 min
In this brief clinical video, Dr. Motta Jones will follow the standard protocol to perform an extraction of a 4.8 wisdom tooth that has completely erupted. After performing local anesthesia, he will design and elevate the flap in order to avoid papilla lesions and create the proper space for the magneto-dynamic insert. Then, participants will appreciate the expansion of the cortical bone to enhance the mobility of the element.
Duration: 6 min
Lecture 8 - A 3.8 biradicular erupted wisdom tooth extraction
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
In this clinical video, the extractive protocol of a biradicular wisdom tooth will be presented to participants. Dr. Motta Jones will explain that he could have segmented this element into two monoradicular parts but, thanks to easiness of fractured roots extractions, he will proceed with no segmentation.
Duration: 9 min
In this clinical video, the extractive protocol of a biradicular wisdom tooth will be presented to participants. Dr. Motta Jones will explain that he could have segmented this element into two monoradicular parts but, thanks to easiness of fractured roots extractions, he will proceed with no segmentation.
Duration: 9 min
Lecture 9 - Tooth sectioning and bone
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
In this case, to reach an optimal outcome, Dr. Motta Jones will perform a flap elevation by using a piezoelectric device to separate the soft tissues from the bone. Once reached the correct elevation, he will proceed with bone gathering to ensure the correct space for tooth extraction. Then, tooth sectioning and luxation will be executed because there were massive frictions between the lingual fragment of the wisdom tooth and the bony wall of the adjacent tooth.
Duration: 16 min
In this case, to reach an optimal outcome, Dr. Motta Jones will perform a flap elevation by using a piezoelectric device to separate the soft tissues from the bone. Once reached the correct elevation, he will proceed with bone gathering to ensure the correct space for tooth extraction. Then, tooth sectioning and luxation will be executed because there were massive frictions between the lingual fragment of the wisdom tooth and the bony wall of the adjacent tooth.
Duration: 16 min
Lecture 10 - Bone gathering and tooth sectioning of a 4.8 wisdom tooth
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
In this clinical video a 4.8 wisdom tooth extraction will be presented and discussed in detail. In particular, participants will understand how to use an ultrasonic elevator to obtain the separation of the soft tissues from the tooth with no periosteal lesions. Bone gathering and partial tooth sectioning will also be showed.
Duration: 19 min
In this clinical video a 4.8 wisdom tooth extraction will be presented and discussed in detail. In particular, participants will understand how to use an ultrasonic elevator to obtain the separation of the soft tissues from the tooth with no periosteal lesions. Bone gathering and partial tooth sectioning will also be showed.
Duration: 19 min
Lecture 11 - 4.8 wisdom tooth extraction with partial tooth sectioning
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
In this video lecture Dr. Motta Jones will explain that, because of the occurrence of different inflammatory phases that have caused massive adherence of the soft tissues on the tooth, he has to use both manual and piezoelectric elevators to deal with this tricky clinical case. Then, tooth extraction will be executed by adopting the standard protocol (bone gathering and bone sectioning).
Duration: 15 min
In this video lecture Dr. Motta Jones will explain that, because of the occurrence of different inflammatory phases that have caused massive adherence of the soft tissues on the tooth, he has to use both manual and piezoelectric elevators to deal with this tricky clinical case. Then, tooth extraction will be executed by adopting the standard protocol (bone gathering and bone sectioning).
Duration: 15 min
Lecture 12 - A 3.8 partially erupted wisdom tooth extraction
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
By Jason Motta Jones
In this extractive clinical case, Dr. Motta Jones will deal with a 3.8 partially erupted wisdom tooth with two roots joined together in the apex. Then, the extractive protocol will be presented in a standardize way, with particular attention to the palpation of the mandibular ramus to decide where to perform the full block anesthesia and to the removal of the granulation tissue that were in the pericoronal area of the tooth.
Duration: 25 min
In this extractive clinical case, Dr. Motta Jones will deal with a 3.8 partially erupted wisdom tooth with two roots joined together in the apex. Then, the extractive protocol will be presented in a standardize way, with particular attention to the palpation of the mandibular ramus to decide where to perform the full block anesthesia and to the removal of the granulation tissue that were in the pericoronal area of the tooth.
Duration: 25 min
Special offer
Dr. Jason Motta Jones
Dr. Tommaso Ghedini
Dr. Federico Guerri
Dr. Tommaso Ghedini
Dr. Federico Guerri
Technological Updates in Wisdom Teeth Surgery
Access to the course is unlimited in time!
Dr. Jason Motta JonesA speaker at national congresses and courses on oral surgery topics, Dr. Jason Motta Jones is co-author of oral surgery texts and scientific publications in national and international journals. He is an Active Member and Founder of the Piezosurgery Academy as well as a Founding Member of A.I.S.O.D.
Dr. Tommaso GhediniActive member of IAO and IAED, Dr. Ghedini is speaker at national congresses and author of scientific publications in the field of oral surgery. He’s currently working at Humanitas Dental Center where he mainly deals with oral and implant surgery.
Dr. Federico GuerriDr. Federico Guerri’s clinical activity focuses on oral surgery and General Dentistry. He's currently an intern in Pediatric Oral Surgery at San Paolo Hospital in Milan.