Giovanni Zucchelli, Martina Stefanini
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Course program
Periodontal Regenerative Surgical Approach
11 online lectures
This course is recommended to all periodontists who already practice regenerative therapy and who wish to expand their knowledge by discovering the potential of the mucogingival approach.
This course includes the latest surgical protocols developed and illustrated by Prof. Zucchelli himself to help you understand how to improve soft tissues with unfavorable morphology and treat severe infrabony defects simultaneously and in just one sitting.
By attending this course, you’ll deepen your theoretical and practical knowledge of the biological principles underlying regenerative therapy, the diagnosis and prognosis of bone defects, and the techniques to prevent papilla recession and stabilize the clot, protecting it from trauma and bacteria.
Join Prof. Zucchelli and take your regenerative therapy to the next level by integrating the mucogingival approach!
Topics covered in the course:
Diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of vertical bone defects;
Soft tissues as a prognostic factor for the healing of vertical bone defects;
Decision-making criteria: regenerative therapy vs tooth extraction;
Regenerative surgery in Periodontology: papilla preservation, Coronally Advanced Flap, and Connective Tissue Graft Wall Technique;
The mucogingival approach to regenerative therapy;
Prognostic factors related to soft tissues for regenerative therapy;
Management of soft tissues in the multiple coronally advanced flap;
Management of interproximal soft tissue and papilla preservation;
Biomaterials, instrumentation, and suturing techniques.
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
Manage soft tissues and bone defects simultaneously and in one surgical session;
Understand the biological principles underlying regenerative therapy;
Understand the regenerative potential of a bone defect
Treat very severe defects in teeth with dubious prognosis
Stabilize the clot with CTG and protect it from trauma and bacteria;
Obtain radiographic filling of the defect by forming alveolar bone and reducing probing depth
Achieve infrabony healing of the defect and create new connective attachment.
11 online lectures
This course is recommended to all periodontists who already practice regenerative therapy and who wish to expand their knowledge by discovering the potential of the mucogingival approach.
This course includes the latest surgical protocols developed and illustrated by Prof. Zucchelli himself to help you understand how to improve soft tissues with unfavorable morphology and treat severe infrabony defects simultaneously and in just one sitting.
By attending this course, you’ll deepen your theoretical and practical knowledge of the biological principles underlying regenerative therapy, the diagnosis and prognosis of bone defects, and the techniques to prevent papilla recession and stabilize the clot, protecting it from trauma and bacteria.
Join Prof. Zucchelli and take your regenerative therapy to the next level by integrating the mucogingival approach!
Topics covered in the course:
Diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of vertical bone defects;
Soft tissues as a prognostic factor for the healing of vertical bone defects;
Decision-making criteria: regenerative therapy vs tooth extraction;
Regenerative surgery in Periodontology: papilla preservation, Coronally Advanced Flap, and Connective Tissue Graft Wall Technique;
The mucogingival approach to regenerative therapy;
Prognostic factors related to soft tissues for regenerative therapy;
Management of soft tissues in the multiple coronally advanced flap;
Management of interproximal soft tissue and papilla preservation;
Biomaterials, instrumentation, and suturing techniques.
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
Manage soft tissues and bone defects simultaneously and in one surgical session;
Understand the biological principles underlying regenerative therapy;
Understand the regenerative potential of a bone defect
Treat very severe defects in teeth with dubious prognosis
Stabilize the clot with CTG and protect it from trauma and bacteria;
Obtain radiographic filling of the defect by forming alveolar bone and reducing probing depth
Achieve infrabony healing of the defect and create new connective attachment.
1. Lesson 1 - Strategies for the management of deep infrabony defects in the aesthetic area
2. Lesson 2
3. Lesson 3
4. Lesson 4 - Prognostic Factors of Soft Tissues. Dr. Martina Stefanini
5. Lesson 5
6. Lesson 6
7. Lesson 7
8. Lesson 8
9. Lesson 9
10. Lesson 10
11. Lesson 11
You can buy the entire course now at the new price - $29, instead of the old one - $654
Lesson 1 - Strategies for the management of deep infrabony defects in the aesthetic area
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this introductory lesson, Professor Zucchelli will clarify the key differences between classical regenerative therapy and that approached with the mucogingival method. There will be an in-depth discussion on the significant advantage of the mucogingival approach to regenerative therapy, namely the management of soft tissues and the treatment of bone defects in a single surgical session. Finally, the biological principles underlying regenerative therapy will be analyzed, explaining how to close the defect with soft tissues, providing stability and protection to the clot positioned in the infrabony component of the defect.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• The potential of the mucogingival approach to regenerative therapy
• Biological principles underlying regenerative therapy
• Stability and protection of the clot through soft tissues
• Criteria for understanding the regenerative potential of a defect
• Radiographic filling of the defect: new alveolar bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament
• Post-operative course: trauma and contamination
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• The potential of the mucogingival approach to regenerative therapy
• Biological principles underlying regenerative therapy
• Stability and protection of the clot through soft tissues
• Criteria for understanding the regenerative potential of a defect
• Radiographic filling of the defect: new alveolar bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament
• Post-operative course: trauma and contamination
Lesson 2
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This presentation will discuss the characteristics of a truly minimally invasive therapy and the defects that can potentially be treated with this approach. Professor Zucchelli will introduce the MIST and Modified MIST techniques to explain to participants how to access the defect and stabilize the clot.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• How to minimize the risk of trauma and clot instability
• Treatment of one-wall defects
• Infrabony defects with two or three walls
• Spontaneous healing of the defect and vascular support to the clot
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• How to minimize the risk of trauma and clot instability
• Treatment of one-wall defects
• Infrabony defects with two or three walls
• Spontaneous healing of the defect and vascular support to the clot
Lesson 3
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
The supra-osseous component of the defect, known as the supracrestal tissue, is the determining factor behind the rationale for choosing between a minimally invasive approach and a mucogingival approach. Participants will learn how to analyze this factor to guide their treatment plan; Professor Zucchelli will explain how any defect can be treated only if there is sufficient supra-osseous component of the defect.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• How to analyze the amount of the supra-osseous component of the defect
• Isolating the defect from the oral environment
• Covering the clot with soft tissues
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• How to analyze the amount of the supra-osseous component of the defect
• Isolating the defect from the oral environment
• Covering the clot with soft tissues
Lesson 4 - Prognostic Factors of Soft Tissues. Dr. Martina Stefanini
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
Dr. Martina Stefanini will illustrate the three biological principles underlying periodontal regeneration: creating space, necessary for the bond between the clot and the root surface; clot stability, needing protection from trauma and bacteria; and primary intention closure of the supracrestal soft tissues. Additionally, the prognostic aspects of the soft tissues will be discussed, addressing the factors to consider when deciding whether to extract a tooth or proceed with regenerative therapy.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Surgical approaches involving the preservation of supracrestal soft tissues
• Degranulation of the defect
• How to gain attachment by filling the defect and reducing probing depth
• Prognostic aspects of soft tissues: height of the papilla, isthmus, height and thickness of keratinized tissue, and amount of supracrestal soft tissue
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Surgical approaches involving the preservation of supracrestal soft tissues
• Degranulation of the defect
• How to gain attachment by filling the defect and reducing probing depth
• Prognostic aspects of soft tissues: height of the papilla, isthmus, height and thickness of keratinized tissue, and amount of supracrestal soft tissue
Lesson 5
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this presentation, Professor Zucchelli will show participants the countermeasures that can be adopted in case of unfavorable prognostic factors in the soft tissues. Several clinical cases will be shown to demonstrate how to manage every possible complication of the soft tissues.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• How to manage defects without keratinized tissue
• How to manage defects with very small isthmuses
• How to manage defects with no supracrestal soft tissue • Decision-making process for treating infrabony defects in the aesthetic area
• Combined technique: Connective Tissue Wall Technique + Coronally Advanced Flap
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• How to manage defects without keratinized tissue
• How to manage defects with very small isthmuses
• How to manage defects with no supracrestal soft tissue • Decision-making process for treating infrabony defects in the aesthetic area
• Combined technique: Connective Tissue Wall Technique + Coronally Advanced Flap
Lesson 6
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This clinical case will present a patient with papilla recession treated with minimally invasive therapy. The protocol for the correct opening of the papilla will be shown, and how to choose between the MIST and Modified MIST techniques based on the defect morphology will be explained. By the end of the presentation, participants will understand how a purely regenerative surgery was performed without any mucogingival intervention; the tissues were never touched.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Mapping the defect to identify the position of the walls
• Indications for the mucogingival approach in regenerative therapy
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Mapping the defect to identify the position of the walls
• Indications for the mucogingival approach in regenerative therapy
Lesson 7
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In this presentation, the treatment of a papilla that has lost height but still has a good amount of keratinized tissue will be shown. The use of a Tunnel instrument to lift the papilla to a full thickness and achieve dual lateral access to work underneath the papilla will be demonstrated. The goal of this technique is to create a tunnel from the groove of one tooth to the adjacent tooth's groove, maintaining absolute integrity.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Creating the Tunnel
• Mobilizing the apex of the papilla coronally
• Root planing phase
• Inserting the connective tissue graft into the tunnel
• Stabilizing the vestibule and final positioning of the papilla
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Creating the Tunnel
• Mobilizing the apex of the papilla coronally
• Root planing phase
• Inserting the connective tissue graft into the tunnel
• Stabilizing the vestibule and final positioning of the papilla
Lesson 8
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What options are available when there are unfavorable anatomical conditions associated with the treatment of the infrabony defect. The CAF technique with a coronally advanced flap at the level of the lower incisors will be shown.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• De-epithelializing the lingual papillae with a bur
• Use of ADTA and amelogenins
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• De-epithelializing the lingual papillae with a bur
• Use of ADTA and amelogenins
Lesson 9
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In this clinical case, a very deep infrabony component at the level of the canine, with both the absence of the vestibular bone wall and vestibular bone dehiscence, will be shown.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Preparing the patient to minimize recession of the soft tissues
• Verticalizing the supracrestal soft tissue
• Intraoperative root planing
• Palatal graft to achieve the barrier effect of the clot
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Preparing the patient to minimize recession of the soft tissues
• Verticalizing the supracrestal soft tissue
• Intraoperative root planing
• Palatal graft to achieve the barrier effect of the clot
Lesson 10
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this clinical case, the treatment of infrabony defects associated with a significant supra-osseous component will be discussed. Professor Zucchelli will demonstrate the execution of the Wall Technique in the upper arch with a bisected palatal incision.
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Diagnosis of the defect to guide non-surgical treatment • Designing the palatal flap involving two papillae to access the defect
• Isolating the defect, degranulation, and root planing
In particular, this lesson will cover the following topics:
• Diagnosis of the defect to guide non-surgical treatment • Designing the palatal flap involving two papillae to access the defect
• Isolating the defect, degranulation, and root planing
Lesson 11
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this final clinical case, a patient with severe periodontitis will be treated with a mucogingival approach to regenerative therapy to prevent possible post-operative aesthetic defects
Special offer
Giovanni Zucchelli
Martina Stefanini
Martina Stefanini
Periodontal Regenerative Surgical Approach
Access to the course is unlimited in time!
Giovanni ZucchelliProfessor of Periodontology and Implantology at the University of Bologna, Italy since 2000.
Received many awards for clinical research in periodontology in Europe and the United States. In 2006 and 2008 was the winner of The AAP Foundation-E Bud Tarrson Research Award in Oral Plastic Surgery.
He is an active member of EAED (European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry), Sido (Italian Society of Periodontology) and SIO (Italian Society of Osteointegration) and also member of the European Federation of Periodontology.
Innovator of several soft tissue plastic surgical techniques, Prof Giovanni Zucchelli is also author of more than 100 publications in Pubmed.
Prof Zucchelli is the author of the book title, `Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery` best seller from Quintessence Publishing which is published in 10 different languages. -
Martina StefaniniDr. Stefanini is a researcher in the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences at Bologna University, Italy and also a dental surgeon in private practice. She graduated from the University of Bologna with a degree in dentistry in 2005. She was awarded a PhD in Medical Sciences in 2016 from the same institution. Dr. Stefanini is an ITI Fellow, has sat on of the Editorial and the Scientific Committees of the Italian Society of Periodontology and continues to be an active member. She was a Visiting Professor at San Raffaele University Milan in 2015-2016 and taught a postgraduate program at the Dental School San Raffaele, University Milan and for the II level International Master at Bologna University in 2017. Dr. Stefanini is an expert in periodontology and has authored several publications in Pubmed, as well as speaking at national and international conferences on periodontology.