Pediatric Orthodontics BASICS
Dr. Arturo Fortini, Dr. Valentina Lanteri, Dr. Enrica Tessore, Dr. Alvise Caburlotto
Access to the course is not limited in time
You can buy the entire course now at the new price - $19, instead of the old one - $320
Course program
Pediatric Orthodontics BASICS
5 online lessons
An introduction to orthodontics for children and teens.
Dr. Arturo Fortini and his team are pleased to introduce Pediatric Orthodontics Basics, the first online course dedicated to orthodontics for children and teens.
This introductory training course focuses on a key aspect in modern orthodontics that targets young patients - from 3 years of age until the age of full tooth development.
The educational objective is to describe early diagnosis and treatment techniques and approaches, allowing the orthodontist to intercept, prevent and treat the developing problem, eliminate the cause, guide the growth of jaw and facial bones, and provide adequate space for incoming permanent teeth.
The bottom line in pediatric orthodontics is that malocclusion problems are generally easier to correct when diagnosed and treated early.
The specialist must therefore be able to:
-effectively recognize early signs that foreshadow pathological pictures
-correctly interpret the diagnostic plan and, consequently, the treatment plan
Prevention and treatment of "malocclusions" in children;
The benefits of early orthodontic treatment;
Cephalometric analysis in young patients;
Interceptive orthodontics;
Prevention and identification of anamnestic and clinical alerts.
Thanks to Pediatric Orthodontics you will get a deeper understanding of:
The problems that need to be treated in pediatric age and those for which is suggested to wait for the end of physical growth;
Modern diagnostic systems for young patients;
The skeletal and dental diagnostic evaluations that can be obtained from the first visit with the latero-lateral teleradiography;
Timing for the early diagnosis of "malocclusions";
How to evaluate bad habits through diagnostic tests;
Orthodontic protocols in development age;
How to collect information on sagittal and vertical growth in the young patients.
5 online lessons
An introduction to orthodontics for children and teens.
Dr. Arturo Fortini and his team are pleased to introduce Pediatric Orthodontics Basics, the first online course dedicated to orthodontics for children and teens.
This introductory training course focuses on a key aspect in modern orthodontics that targets young patients - from 3 years of age until the age of full tooth development.
The educational objective is to describe early diagnosis and treatment techniques and approaches, allowing the orthodontist to intercept, prevent and treat the developing problem, eliminate the cause, guide the growth of jaw and facial bones, and provide adequate space for incoming permanent teeth.
The bottom line in pediatric orthodontics is that malocclusion problems are generally easier to correct when diagnosed and treated early.
The specialist must therefore be able to:
-effectively recognize early signs that foreshadow pathological pictures
-correctly interpret the diagnostic plan and, consequently, the treatment plan
Prevention and treatment of "malocclusions" in children;
The benefits of early orthodontic treatment;
Cephalometric analysis in young patients;
Interceptive orthodontics;
Prevention and identification of anamnestic and clinical alerts.
Thanks to Pediatric Orthodontics you will get a deeper understanding of:
The problems that need to be treated in pediatric age and those for which is suggested to wait for the end of physical growth;
Modern diagnostic systems for young patients;
The skeletal and dental diagnostic evaluations that can be obtained from the first visit with the latero-lateral teleradiography;
Timing for the early diagnosis of "malocclusions";
How to evaluate bad habits through diagnostic tests;
Orthodontic protocols in development age;
How to collect information on sagittal and vertical growth in the young patients.
1. Lecture 1: Introduction37 min
2. Lecture 2: Emergencies in Orthodontics1 h 7 min
3. Lecture 3: Smart Pediatric Cephalometrics33 min
4. Lecture 4: Malocclusions: Prevention and Interceptive Treatment1 h 13 min
5. Lecture 5: Bad Habits1 h 3 min
You can buy the entire course now at the new price - $19, instead of the old one - $320
Lecture 1: Introduction
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this first introductory lesson, Dr. Fortini provides a complete and detailed view of the importance of Pediatric Orthodontics, covering the issues addressed in the course and the modern treatment options for young patients.
Duration: 37 min
Duration: 37 min
Lecture 2: Emergencies in Orthodontics
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
This lesson will provide all the tools needed for the identification of "malocclusions" that require early treatment. The rationale of this type of treatment lies in the elimination of all possible interference with growth and development, in order to limit the risk of resorting to complex subsequent biomechanical treatments, and to prevent (or at least reduce) the progression of skeletal malocclusion, with subsequent risks of extractions and / or surgery.
Duration: 1 h 7 min
Duration: 1 h 7 min
Lecture 3: Smart Pediatric Cephalometrics
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
This lesson aims to provide all the tools needed to learn how to use cephalometric analysis at an early age (even in deciduous teeth stage). The parameters seen as indispensable in order to elaborate a correct treatment plan, with particular attention to the variables related to the growth of the young patient, are addressed in this lecture. An important part of the lecture is dedicated to cephalometry "without ruler or protractor", therefore to the explanation of all the parameters that can be observed from the first visit and that can provide valuable information.
Duration: 33 min
Duration: 33 min
Lecture 4: Malocclusions: Prevention and Interceptive Treatment
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this lecture the author will explore and deepen Interceptive Orthodontics, the basis and fundamental knowledge to early deal with patient at young age. The most significant aspects of early treatment will be investigated, with reference to the possibilities of orthopedic and functional correction in a simple, effective, efficient, comfortable, reliable and safe way, thus fulfilling the expectations of the young patient and the clinician.
Duration: 1 h 13 min
Duration: 1 h 13 min
Lecture 5: Bad Habits
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
This lesson will provide all the tools to learn how to identify anamnestic and clinical alerts to prevent malocclusion caused by modifiable environmental factors, such as “bad habits”. The dynamics of breastfeeding, breathing, swallowing and chewing will be analyzed in detail. We will understand when these functions deviate from the physiological, how to do diagnostic tests and what orthodontists can do to avoid the aggravation of the consequences of harmful habits from an early age.
Duration: 1 h 3 min
Duration: 1 h 3 min
Special offer
Dr. Arturo Fortini
Dr. Valentina Lanteri
Dr. Enrica Tessore
Dr. Alvise Caburlotto
Dr. Valentina Lanteri
Dr. Enrica Tessore
Dr. Alvise Caburlotto
Pediatric Orthodontics BASICS
Access to the course is unlimited in time!
Dr. Arturo FortiniMaster's Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Florence. D.D.S. Degree in Dentistry at the University of Florence. MS. Specialization in Orthodontics at the University of Pavia, Italy. Visiting Professor (Lecturer), Department of Orthodontics, University of, Italy. Cagliari E.B.O. European Board of Orthodontics in 2007. Member of W.F.O. World Federation of Orthodontics. Author of numerous articles and publications both international and national and speaker at numerous international and national congresses on orthodontics.
Dr. Valentina LanteriGraduated in Dentistry with honors in 2002 at the University of Pavia, Postgraduate Diploma in Child Dentistry in 2008, Master of II level in Child Dentistry and Interceptive Orthodontics in 2009 and Master of II level in Wellness, Nutrition, Sleep and Medicine in 2010. Her academic career, which began immediately after graduation, began as an Associate Professor at the University of Magna Graecia, Adjunct Professor at the Degree Course in Dental Hygiene - University of Pavia, Research Fellow at the Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, University of Milan, where she is now a Researcher.
Dr. Enrica TessoreGraduated in Dentistry at the University of Turin in 2010, specialized in Orthodontics at the University of Cagliari in 2016. Adjunct Professor of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics at the University of Cagliari. Works in family practices in Turin, she is particularly dedicated to interceptive orthodontics and malocclusion prevention.
Dr. Alvise CaburlottoDegree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the Faculty of Medicine of Padova. Specialized with full marks in Orthodontics at the Faculty of Medicine of Padua. Specialization course in orthodontic university "The technique Straight-Wire today" at the University of Pisa. Since 2014 Tutor Teaching Activities Annual Course "Contemporary Clinical Orthodontics" dr. A. Fortini. Co-creator of the APP "SPACE CONTROL" - A.Fortini, G.Fortini, E.Carli, A. Caburlotto. Co-author eBOOK "Journey in orthodontic diagnosis. He works as a freelancer dealing exclusively with Orthodontics.