Full tilted implants: Prosthetic and Surgical protocols

Enrico Agliardi
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Course program
4 modules: 12 ONLINE LESSONS
Full tilted implants: Prosthetic and Surgical protocols

Prof Enrico Agliardi welcomes you to FULL Tilted Implants - Prosthetic and Surgical Protocols, the new hybrid course that combines video lectures with clinical videos on anatomical preparation and LIVE sessions with the author concerning the review and discussion of surgical videos.

This course is composed of 4 training modules dedicated to the step-by-step treatment of edentulous patients with severe atrophies through predictable prosthetic and surgical protocols that include the use of tilted implants as an alternative to sinus floor augmentation procedures.

You can buy the entire course now at the new price - $19, instead of the old one - $500
Lesson 1. All-on-4® and V-II-V maxillary surgical protocols and advanced cases
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this video lecture, Prof. Agliardi focuses on the treatment of atrophic patients with terminal dentition using All-on-4® and V-II-V protocols, as well as trans-crestal, trans-sinusal and hybrid techniques in case of severe atrophies.
Each technique will be discussed in depth, highlighting their advantages, indications and possible risk factors.
In particular, this lecture focuses on the following topics:
  • How to use the patient’s residual bone in different degrees of atrophy
  • Indications for standard techniques such as All-on-4® and V-II-V
  • Indications for complex techniques such as trans-crestal, trans-sinusal and hybrid techniques
  • Evaluation of local risk factors (quality and quantity of residual bone)
  • The importance of analyzing the patient’s medical history to make a correct diagnosis
  • The assessment of the sustainability of the treatment for any given patient

duration: 57 min
Lesson 2. Tilted implant placement protocol
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this first clinical video on anatomical preparation, Prof. Agliardi shows the All-on-4® protocol for trans-sinusal and transverse implant placement in patients with severe atrophy.
In order to highlight the specific characteristics of each technique, the specific entry and end points will be compared with particular reference to the exposure of the canine abutment to illustrate the path of the posterior tilted implants typical of both the All-on-4® and transinusal implant protocols.

duration: 13 min
Lesson 3. Pterygoid implant placement protocol
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this second clinical video on anatomical preparation, pterygoid implants will be analyzed by highlighting their path through the maxillary and pterygoid bone, as well as their differences from tuberous implants. Prof. Agliardi discusses in detail the necessary measurement of the proportion of bone available to accommodate the implant, which can only be performed by accessing the pterygoid process through the disconnection of the incisure with the maxillary bone.

duration: 04 min
Lesson 4. ReLIVE Session with clinical review - April 17th, 2023 - Full Tilted Implants
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
During this LIVE Session, Prof. Agliardi reviewed all the topics covered in the theoretical video lecture and Cadaver Labs of Module 1. Surgical videos and clinical cases are shown and analyzed, offering participants the opportunity to interact directly with the author, ask questions and receive live insights.

duration: 1h 02 min
Lesson 5. All-on-4® mandibular surgical protocol
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this presentation, Prof. Agliardi discusses the necessary preoperative evaluations and the main surgical steps of the All-on-4® protocol, paying particular attention to the emergence of the mental nerve and the proper tilting of the implants to avoid possible nerve foramen injury.
In particular, this lecture focuses on the following topics:
  • The emergence of the mental nerve to expose the entry point of the All-on-4 implant protocol
  • The correct inclination to treat each degree of mandibular atrophy
  • The placement of the prosthetic abutment and anterior implants for the All-on-4 protocol
  • The utility of MUAs (Multi-Unit Abutments)

duration: 31 min
Lesson 6. All-on-4® mandibular osteotomy preparation protocol
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
How to place implants in a way that ensures symmetry, proper distribution, and respect for both alveoli?
In this video lecture on anatomical preparation, you will be shown how to create an entry point without impacting the integrity of the mental nerve, as well as the most appropriate inclination depending on the specific degree of atrophy presented by the patient.

duration: 20 min
Lesson 7. ReLive Session with clinical review - May 8th, 2023 - Full Tilted Implants
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
During this LIVE Session, Prof. Agliardi reviewed all the topics covered in the theoretical video lecture and Cadaver Lab of Module 2. Surgical videos and clinical cases are shown and analyzed by the author.

duration: 53 min
Lesson 8. Transcrestal and transinusal techniques and zygomatic implant protocol
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this theoretical video lecture, Prof. Agliardi focuses on complex techniques such as trans-crestal and trans-sinusal techniques integrated with All-on-4® and V-II-V protocols.
Special attention is paid to zygomatic implants and their anatomical and biomechanical characteristics.
In particular, this lecture focuses on the following topics:
  • How to spot typical signs of vertical dimension loss
  • Clinical case of application of the trans-sinusal technique in the V-II-V protocol
  • Key points to be observed when choosing zygomatic implants
  • When to use zygomatic implants?
  • Anatomical and biomechanical considerations for using zygomatic bone

duration: 1h 48 min
Lesson 9. Zygomatic implant placement protocols
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In this clinical video on anatomical preparation, the protocol of anterior and posterior zygomatic implant placement on a very concave maxilla will be shown step by step. Due to the configuration of this particular maxilla, this will be a ZAGA 2 and ZAGA 4 type of rehabilitation, and therefore space will be left between the zygomatic implant and the vestibular bone of the maxilla.
In particular, this Cadaver Lab focuses on the following topics:
  • The exposure of the zygomatic body and the course of the zygomatic implants through it
  • The correct inclination of the zygomatic implants
  • The anatomical aspects to be considered in this type of treatment

duration: 19 min
Lesson 10. ReLive Session with clinical review - May 29th, 2023 - Full Tilted Implants
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
During this ReLIVE Session, Prof Agliardi review all the topics covered in the theoretical video lecture and Cadaver Labs of the third module. Surgical videos and clinical cases are shown and analyzed, while participants had the opportunity to interact directly with the author.

duration: 45 min
Lesson 11. Prosthetic rehabilitation
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
In particular, this session focuses on the following topics:
  • Pre-surgical prosthetic planning
  • Provisional prosthetic rehabilitation
  • Definitive prosthetic rehabilitation
  • Technical laboratory procedures

duration: 24 min
Lesson 12. ReLive Session with clinical review - June 19th, 2023 - Full Tilted Implants
Here you can watch a five-minute fragment of the lesson
During this ReLIVE Session, Prof. Agliardi review all the topics covered in the theoretical video lecture and clinical case of Module 4. Surgical videos and clinical cases are shown and analyzed.
In our LIVE Swssions, participants ask questions and receive live insights, do not miss our next one.

duration: 39 min
Special offer
Enrico Agliardi
Full tilted implants: Prosthetic and Surgical protocols
Access to the course is unlimited in time!
$19 $500
The special offer is limited