Digital Rehabilitation

Giampiero Ciabattoni, Alessandro Acocella
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Course program
Digital Rehabilitation

How do we combine time-saving approaches while respecting our patients' expectation and satisfaction with digitally developed pre-made definitive prosthesis?

Digital Rehabilitation is an educational video course dedicated to digital implantology specialists, with the aim of sharing the experience in immediate implant restoration digital protocols of partial and completely edentulous arches.

Digital protocols pave the way for a new, more precise, guided approach to implantology.

This new method allows delivering the definitive fixed prosthesis right after surgery, thanks to both the preliminary virtual planning of the case and digitalization of the workflow.

  • Thanks to this video course you will be able to understand:how to improve your diagnostic means and successfully carry out virtual planning;
  • the correct Pre-Surgical Prosthesis procedures;
  • step-by-step surgical protocols' management;
  • the latest trends, solutions and developments in digital implantology.

At the end of this course, you'll find yourselves ready to approach a vast scenario of immediate implant restoration cases, according to the most advanced and up-to-date digital protocols.

You can buy the entire course now at the new price - $19, instead of the old one - $348
Lesson 1. The evolution of computer-guided implant restoration protocols: towards a flapless prosthetically-driven same-day restorative approach
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In this lecture Dr. Acocella addresses the latest protocols in computer-guided implant restoration by describing the evolution of computer-guided implant protocols. The aim is to offer a 360° description of a cutting-edge flapless approach that puts the prosthesis at the center of the rehabilitation process, ensuring the best degree of precision and fitting for same-day definitive prosthesis delivery.

duration: 0 h 43 min
Lesson 2. Immediate full-arch restoration of completely edentulous maxilla with prefabricated implant-supported prosthesis
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This video shows the pre-surgical evaluations and planningas well as the surgical management of a completely edentulous maxilla. The pre-made prosthesis and the full digitalization of the workflow allow for a flapless 6-implant full-arch restoration with immediate delivery of the fixed prosthesis.

duration: 0 h 47 min
Lesson 3. Immediate rehabilitation of partially edentulous mandible with prefabricated prosthesis
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Through a thorough description of a clinical case, this video shows all the pre-surgical and surgical steps to be taken when approaching partially edentulous patients thanks to pre-made prosthetically-driven digital protocols. The aim is to promote a computer-guided approach to digital implantology that combines precision, minimal invasiveness, reduced surgical time and immediate delivery of the definitive fixed prosthesis.

duration: 0 h 46 min
Lesson 4. Immediate implant-supported restoration of fully edentulous maxilla with prefabricated prosthesis: a step-by-step clinical case
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The video portrays a complete case of edentulous maxilla rehabilitation through full digital workflow and pre-made implant-supported prosthesis. The description thoroughly follows all the steps taken by the Authors in order to successfully provide the patient with a fixed screw-retained prosthesis that replicates exactly the occlusion of the previous denture the patient used to wear. Among the pre-operative evaluations and planning, the software Facescan allows for a full face reconstrution of the patient to be superimposed to the 3D scan photogrammetry and pre-surgical planning of both implants and CADCAM prosthesis ideal positioning.

duration: 1 h 03 min
Lesson 5. Full digital approach to All-on-4®: post-extractive immediate mandible rehabilitation
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In this video - taken from a LIVE Streaming surgery - a full case of mandible restoration via All-on-4® technique is described through the perspective of the latest digital advancements. DTX Studio design software and Nobel Clinician are both used in order to plan the ideal implant positioning according to the extractions of the failed remaining teeth of the patients. The LIVE description offered by Dr. Acocella commenting Dr. Ciabattoni's surgical handling of the case allow to easily follow every step of the All-on-4® protocol, from the very first incision to the finalization of the case and delivery of the definitive prefabricated fixed prosthesis.

duration: 1 h 39 min
Lesson 6. Post-extractive immediate mandible rehabilitation
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This video shows the surgical rehabilitation of a partially edentulous mandible with failing remaining teeth. The digital planning of the case allows the operator to structure the whole implant restoration according to the preliminary crestal bone availability and come up with a surgical guide - created according to the pre-made prosthetis criteria - that respects the pre-existing clinical situation while ensuring the best fit to the restoration.

duration: 1 h 01 min
Lesson 7. Immediate loading in edentolous maxilla
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Discover more about immediate loading in edentolous maxilla

duration: 0 h 54 min
Lesson 8. Post-extractive implant placement and immediate loading in the esthetic area
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This video shows all the steps to be taken while digital planning an immediate function partial implant-supported restoration in fresh extraction sockets.
The description allows to observe all the potential of a fully digital approach in esthetic implantology, ranging from upper-jaw ridge post-extraction mimic to soft tissue remodeling.

duration: 0 h 43 min
Lesson 9. Digital implantology basic work flow in edentolous patient
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Discover more about digital implantology basic work flow in edentolous patient

duration: 0 h 40 min
Lesson 10. Mandibular full arch restoration on 4 axial implants
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This video describes a case of pre made prosthesis implant-supported rehabilitation of a fully edentulous lower jaw. The good amount of bone available allows to place 4 axial implants that will support a pre made prosthesis following a 100% digital workflow.

duration: 1 h 10 min
Lesson 11. Digital planning for implant placed in extraction sockets – new trends
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This video aims to describe the latest trends in post-extractive immediate function implant placement. The lecture starts by addressing the more established fully-digital protocols, and moves towards the description of the double-template technique, which comprises 2 surgical templates: a pre-extractive guide and a post-extractive one. The aim of the lecture is to highlight the concrete clinical possibilities offered by the latest software enhancements made available by the industry.

duration: 0 h 32 min
Lesson 12. Post-extractive maxillary case of a partially edentulous patient
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The virtual planning has made it possible to insert some post-extractive implants in the anterior area and the inclined implants in the tuber maxillae and in the pre-sinus area to avoid the elevation of the maxillary sinus. The correct management of the surgical protocol is shown to position the planned implants and a particular interest is on the insertion of the inclined implants and the application of inclined prosthetic abutments on them. In this case, not knowing the exact position of the abutments, the pre-built prosthesis is assembled at the end by connecting the position of the angled abutments.

duration: 0 h 34 min
Lesson 13. Treatment of a partially edentulous partial maxillary patient with an old implant on a central incisor
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The impressions are acquired with an intraoral scanner and the STL files of the virtual model are suitably modified on the computer before being superimposed on the Dicom data simulating the strategic extractions of some dental elements and some retouching of hard and soft tissues. The same retouches and extractions must be performed during surgery before inserting the surgical template and inserting the implants. The teeth left in place help the intraoperative stabilization of the mask and will be extracted at the end of the intervention before screwing the pre-fabricated prosthesis.

duration: 0 h 45 min
Lesson 14. Digital management of a maxillary case of a patient with overdenture on implants and transformation of the removable prosthesis into a fixed prosthesis
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After the acquisition of the impression with the intraoral scanner, the planning of the implants in the residual bone was carried out and the fixed prosthesis was manufactured before the intervention thanks to the help of special abutments inserted on the new ones and on the old implants uniforming in fact prosthetic platforms.

duration: 1 h 01 min
Lesson 15. Treatment of a mandibular case treated by matching the model STL file with only two canines remaining
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The planning was carried out through 4 intraformational implants and the construction of the prosthesis through the surgical template. During the procedure, an anterior mini-flap was also performed to preserve the adherent gingiva and before inserting the prosthesis the two canines were extracted. A small introduction was made with respect to the treatment of this patient's upper jaw which inspired the cover of the book "Digital Implantology" written by Dr. Ciabattoni and Dr. Acocella.

duration: 0 h 46 min
Lesson 16. Classic example of the potential of digital management of full Mouth cases
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The elderly patient shows an inversion of the intermaxillary relationships due to the extreme post-extraction bone resorption aggravated over the years by incongruous removable prostheses. Thanks to digital technologies it is possible to virtually plan the implants in accordance with a modified and ideal virtual wax-up and the authors were able to manufacture two prostheses before the intervention which in fact create a perfect occlusal compensation avoiding the patient the use of surgical techniques more invasive and in several stages

duration: 0 h 49 min
Lesson 17. Treatment of a mandibular edentulous patient
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The work-flow will be illustrated step by step both from the prosthetic phase of construction of the pre-assembled prosthesis with welding of a titanium bar on the temporary cylinders and from the use of abutments that facilitate the prosthetic fitting at the end of the intervention. The correct planning with parallel implants the correct selection of the abutment, but above all the correct surgical treatment will lead to an optimal adaptation of the prosthesis.

duration: 0 h 48 min
Lesson 18. Complex case about the use of digital technologies to manage a previous implant failure
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The case involves the reduction of the bone crest in the upper anterior maxilla, the insertion of the implants through the use of two surgical guides. With the first surgical template, the first implants are inserted in the posterior sector after which a flap is raised in the anterior sector the bone crest is reduced and with a second template, the implants are inserted in the area of ​​bone reduction. The pre-fabricated prosthesis thanks to the information of the second template will guarantee the splinting of the implants

duration: 1 h 03 min
Lesson 19. Management of a post-extraction case both in the lower arch and in the upper arch using the most modern technologies
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The patient's impressions are acquired with an intraoral scanner and extractions and tissue retouches are simulated by modifying the acquired files in virtual mode. These modified models are matched with the patient's Dicom data after which virtual implant planning is carried out. The authors show how from planning and correct surgical management it is possible to obtain and deliver the two maxillary and mandibular prostheses directly at the end of the intervention.

duration: 1 h 02 min
Lesson 20. Full-arch post-extraction mandibular restoration with pre-made prosthesis
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This video shows a full-arch restoration of a partially edentulous mandible. The remaining failed dentition is extracted and 4 intraforaminal implants are placed according to the surgical planning outlined in the first section of the video.

duration: 0 h 43 min
Lesson 21. Post-extractive ALL-ON-4 in mandible
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The video shows the treatment of a partial edentulous case with atrophy of the posterior sectors and with anterior residual teeth. The case is a classic indication for treatment using the post-extraction All-on-4 technique by means of two distal 30 ° inclined implants and two parallel intra-foraminal implants. On the model STL file, some dental elements were eliminated by simulating the dental extraction in the place of the future implant sites, but leaving other teeth strategically to allow the matching of the model STL file with the anatomical data of the Cone-beam CT. After implant planning and the fabrication of the surgical guide, this have been used to manufacture the prosthesis before surgery.

duration: 1 h 04 min
Lesson 22. Treatment of an atrophic maxilla with the presence of a knife edge in the anterior region
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This video concerns the treatment of an atrophic maxilla with the presence of a knife edge in the anterior region. The implants are therefore planned more deeply in the bone structure, effectively planning an intraoperative reduction of the bone crest. The intervention is performed through the template obtained from virtual planning but with the open flap and after the reduction of the bone crest the template can be inserted and stabilized correctly guiding the implants in the correct position. Thanks to the template in accordance with the authors' protocol, the prosthesis is manufactured before the intervention and screwed onto the implants at the end of the intervention after the removal of a portion of palatine soft tissue.

duration: 0 h 58 min
Lesson 23. Post-extraction treatment of the lower jaw
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The patient had old prosthetic crowns that are no longer adequate in the anterior region from canine to canine and requires a fixed implant- supported restoration with. Four intraforaminal implants are planned on the software, two distal in the premolar area and two at the lateral incisors. The STL file of the cast was modified by simulating the extraction of the lateral incisors and was matched to the cone-beam CT of the jaw. The maintenance of the canines and central incisors allows this matching and the manufacture of the surgical template with which the prosthesis is manufactured before the intervention. During the operation, the lateral incisors will first be extracted, then the implants will be inserted, the canines and central incisors will also be extracted and the prosthesis will be screwed at the end of the intervention.

duration: 0 h 38 min
Special offer
Giampiero Ciabattoni
Alessandro Acocella
Digital Rehabilitation
Access to the course is unlimited in time!
$19 $348
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