Bio-Esthetic Adhesive Dentistry
Welcome to Bio-Esthetic Adhesive Dentistry, the complete video course dedicated to the most innovative additive dentistry protocols and techniques for the successful restoration of teeth affected by erosion.
An osteocom exclusive, Bio-Esthetic Adhesive Dentistry a is presented by one of the world's leading experts in the field Dr. Didier Dietschi (Geneva). The course promotes a bio-esthetic approach to additive dentistry, with the aim of addressing the issues generally observed for adhesive protocols.
The total respect for the biology of the tooth and the preservation of its structures lies at the heart of this approach, a philosophy of work that puts the clinician in condition to follow a logical process and identify the best treatment option. A new concept of interceptive and selective treatment of tooth wear is also introduced and thoroughly addressed, a real turning point in the management of erosion and friction pathologies, based on a global and ethical vision of the case-specific scenario.
The concept of progressive treatment at the core of this didactic path will lead the learner towards the development of a renewed ethical awareness concerning adhesive restoration protocols, with special focus on esthetic areas, direct bonding procedures, the Natural Layering Concept and innovative restorative protocols.
1. Lesson 1. Indications & Limits of Direct Bonding in Anterior Esthetics
2. Lesson 2. The Natural Layering Concept: Latest Developments & Clinical Application
3. Lesson 3. Treatment Planning & Diagnostic Tools for Advanced Direct Bonding: 1D / 2D/3D
4. Lesson 4. Restorative Protocol: from Layering to Polishing
5. Diagnosis, Risk factors & Modern Treatment Strategies
6. Direct-Interceptive Treatment Strategy: Free-Hand Bonding Protocols
7. Direct & Indirect Treatment Strategies: Molding & Hybrid clinical protocols
duration: 41 min
duration: 45 min
duration: 35 min
duration: 51 min
duration: 49 min
The process starts with a proper clinical diagnosis, followed by esthetic and functional planning on models, with either analog or digital wax-up. This allows to determine precisely the needed change (increase) of the VDO (Vertical Dimension of Occlusion), to create space for restorative material, to improve esthetics and function. Information can be transferred to the mouth using direct techniques and fully no-prep approaches (using only sand-blasting) to condition tissues or restorations to be modified.
duration: 52 min
duration: 54 min
DIDIER DIETSCHIDr. Didier Dietschi was licensed in 1984 and got his doctoral and Privat Docent degrees in 1988 and 2004, respectively, at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He also got a PhD degree in 2003 at the University of ACTA, Netherlands. Following a 6-year period of full time teaching and research activity in Operative Dentistry and Periodontology, he started a part time activity in a private office in Geneva, dedicated to aesthetic restorative dentistry. He holds now positions of adjunct Professor at CASE Western University (USA) and senior lecturer at the University of Geneva. Dr. Dietschi has published over 115 clinical and scientific papers and book chapters on adhesive and aesthetic restorations; he also co-authored the book āAdhesive Metal-free Restorationsā, edited in 1997 by Quintessence and translated in 7 languages. Dr. Dietschi is internationally acclaimed for his theoretical and practical teaching programs on adhesive & aesthetic restorations